This is your body...

You only get one body - that's right, one body. The way you treat your body drastically changes the way you are able to live your life. Consider this; if you're choosing to buy fast food for dinner most nights on your way home from a sedentary desk job where you drink minimal water and have six cups of coffee a day, are you getting the best out of your body? 

My purpose is to help you get the best out of your body through a simple series of changes to your daily habits. It might be as simple as getting up from your desk for five minutes every hour to do some simple stretching and mobility movements, or having a large glass of water before you eat a meal. Simple changes you can incorporate each day to optimise your body for whatever you want to do. 

Do you work a 9-5 job that results in constant back pain and stiffness? We have the knowledge and skills to manage this, working on your posture to alleviate your back issues. 

Are you a parent trying to keep up with the kids? We will optimise your nutrition and look at your daily routine, getting you to the point where you're out running the kids. 

Maybe you're an amateur athlete looking to take that next step? We will tailor your approach to get you to that next level of competition. 

Everyone has different hopes and ambitions, but they need to incorporate a tailored approach to meet their desired goals. This is where The Functional Fitness Guy comes in. We prime you, optimising your body's functions with a tailored, holistic approach, getting you to where you want to be. 

You only get one body; why not make it the best body it can possibly be.

Immerse yourself in a FREE 30 day positive lifestyle change!

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